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The view of Cameron Hall from the entrance to campus.

What Sets Us Apart

学费,价值 & 可购性

作为开普菲尔学院使命的一部分,开发个人潜力,为学生在大学和生活中的成功做好准备, 我们努力为有才华的人提供卓越的教育体验, motivated 学生 from a range of socio-economic backgrounds.

Please contact us; we look forward to partnering with you to select your best options for this important educational investment.

卓越. 有爱心的. 机会. 成功. 支持. 字符.

There’s a long list of priorities when selecting a school, so we appreciate your interest in Cape Fear Academy. Please explore our website to envision how our faculty, 学生, and programs can create a compelling, personalized learning experience for your child. 然后通过参观我们的校园,亲身体验充满活力的社区意识,将这一愿景变为现实, 订婚, 从小探险家班三岁孩子的活力,到即将进入大学的高年级学生的多才多艺,这就是开普恐惧学院的多样性.

无论您是通过我们的网站还是个人联系开始您的发现, 我们很兴奋能和你们一起开始这段旅程,因为我们一起开始冰球突破豪华版. If you have any questions about the admission process, contact 奥尔加 Nobleton, Director of Enrollment, at 奥尔加, or 910-791-0287 ext. 1015.

Ready to learn more? 联系 our 冰球突破豪华版s Team 安排亲自或虚拟访问,看看开普菲尔学院的运作.